Rabu, 17 September 2008
Flower of The Month - Orchids
Image of Pink OrchidThe Orchids are one of the most exquisite and fascinating flowers in the world. In fact, so fascinated is the world with the Orchids that many countries have adopted different varieties of orchids as their respective National Flowers. Orchids are proliferated across most countries. The orchid flowers are especially prolific in the tropics, where the majority of the species grow on the trunks and branches of trees. In the temperate zones, such as southern Australia, most Orchids grow on the ground.
No flowering plant has captured the attention of humans, or stirred their passions, in quite the way that Orchids have. In the past, Orchids have been hunted and collected in almost every part of the world. Today, millions of people remain devoted to the plant and its exotically beautiful "faces." The human fascination with these strangely compelling flowers is often refered to as Obsession with Orchids.
In 1735, Carl Von Lin (Linnaeus), a Swedish botanist, used the word Orchidaceae (taken from Orkhis), which led to further discoveries carried on by Darwin. Orchids belong the the family Orchidaceae. There are 2 different growth types of Orchids. Generally Orchids are divided into Monopodial, Sympodial varieties. Monopodial Orchids have a central stem of growth. Monopodial Orchids have no pseudobulbs, but produce new growth from the crown of the plant. Flowers are produced from the stem between the leaves, usually alternately from side to side.
Sympodial Orchids possess a rhizome, which sends out a shoot. This develops into a stem and leaves and eventually produces flowers. Later, from the base of this growth, a new shoot develops and goes on. The buds are often protected by a sheath.
Categories in Orchids
Depending on their growth habits, Orchids are generally divided into three main categories-
* Epiphytic Orchids are grown perched high in the trees clinging to branches or in the trunk apex of the tree. They derive their nutrients from the air, rain, and any decaying vegetation, which the roots can contact. Epiphytic Orchids have specialised aerial roots, which have a white spongy layer of cells called velamen. This protects the inner root tissues and absorbs water. These roots will also often dangle free in the atmosphere.
* Lithophytic Orchids are seen covering the bases and forks of trees or filling crevices in rocks, and absorb a maximum supply of nutrients from decaying mosses.
* Terrestrial Orchids are seen under the ground, having a symbiotic relation with a special fungus, which in turn supports the orchid with the essential nutrients.
Orchids make up the world's most diverse plant family with the number of species estimated to be between 30,000 and 40,000 in over 800 genera.
Orchids are broadly constituted into five Sub-Families-
1. Cypripedioideae
2. Epidendroideae
3. Neottiodeae
4. Orchidoideae
5. Vandoideae
Looking to send flowers for a special occasion?
The Flower Expert Shop recommends the following popular products for all your special occasions. Send fresh flowers, plants, roses & more from our collection.
most popular flowers
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Facts About Orchids
* Orchids have the largest variety of flowering plants with an estimated of 20,000 to 30,000 naturally occurring species .
* Orchids are seen growing in all the continents except Antarctica.
* In 1856, the first man made Orchid was cultivated.
* There are 2 species of Orchids growing in Australia and 3 species in the Arctic circle, growing underground plants with their flowers shooting up above the soil.
* In order to achieve pollination, some Orchids of the genus Ophrys (called bee Orchids) bear flowers resembling female insects in appearance and smell. Male insects are attracted to the flowers and attempt to mate with them, thus pollinating the flowers.
* The bloom time or the life of an Orchid depends upon the type of Orchid in bloom.
* Phalaenopsis are among the easiest and most rewarding Orchids to grow.
* The Orchid genus, Vanilla, is commercially important, and is used as a foodstuff in flavoring as the vanilla essence.
* Orchids are among the most highly prized of ornamental plants.
General Flower Structure of An Orchid
* There are many variations in the structure and the color of an Orchid flower. Some Orchids have one flower on a stem, and other Orchids have more than a hundred together on a single spike. In color variations, African Orchids are white, while Asian orchids are often multicolored.
* A typical orchid flower is zygomorphic, i.e., bilaterally symmetric, with exceptions like the genera Mormodes, Ludisia and Macodes. The Orchid flowers growing on racemes or panicles can be: basal i.e. produced from the base of the pseudobulb, as in the Cymbidium; apical i.e., produced from the apex of the orchid, as in Cattleya; or axillary i.e., coming from a node between the leaf axil and the plant axis as in Vanda.
* The basic Orchid flower is composed of three sepals in the outer whorl, and three petals in the inner whorl. The medial petal is usually modified and enlarged (then called the labellum or lip), forming a platform for pollinators near the center of the corolla. Together, except the lip, they are called tepals. Sepals form the exterior of the bud. They are green in this stage, but sometimes, if the Orchid blossom is, for example, Purple, the buds can show a purple tint.
* The reproductive organs of an Orchid are in the center (stamens and pistil), and have adapted to become a cylindrical structure called the column or gynandrium. On top of the column lies the stigma, the vestiges of stamens and the pollinia, a mass of waxy pollen on filaments. These filaments can be a caudicle (as in Habenaria) or a stipe (as in Vanda). These filaments hold the pollinia to the viscidium (sticky pad).
* The pollen are held together by the alkaloid viscine. This viscidium adheres to the body of a visiting insect. The type of pollinia is useful in determining the genus. On top of the pollinia is the anther cap, preventing self-pollination. At the upper edge of the stigma of single-anthered orchids, in front of the anther cap, is the rostellum, a slender beaklike extension.
* The Orchid ovary is always inferior (located behind the flower), three-carpelate and one or three-partitioned, with parietal placentation with few exceptions. If pollination succeeds, the sepals and petals fade and wilt but they remain attached to the ovary.
Cut Flowers
Most Cut Flowers are popular choices as gifts on Special Ocassions, either as a single Cut Flower or as a Bunch or a Bouquet of Cut Flowers.
Rose is the most popular cut flower. Carnations, Gerberas, Chrysanthemums also enjoy a huge demand in the Cut Flower market.Tulips, Gladioli, Lilies, Alstroemerias, Anthuriums etc., are also popular with the flower lovers.
What makes a Good Cut Flower?
A Cut Flower should meet the following parameters-
- Appeal and beauty of the Cut Flower.
- Sweet fragrance of the Cut Flower.
- Long stemmed Cut Flower.
- Extended vase life of the Cut Flower.
The following features of a Cut Flower make their trade profitable for Cut Flower growers and traders.
- More production per square foot of flower bed.
- Extended production and a productive life as long as the marketing season lasts.
- Ability to be marketed as Fresh Cut Flowers , while the surplus are sold as dried florals.
- Resistance to disease and pests.
- Resistance to heat and droughts.
- Relatively easy to harvest and handle.
Looking to send flowers for a special occasion?
The Flower Expert Shop recommends the following popular products for all your special occasions. Send fresh flowers, plants, roses & more from our collection.
Cut Flower Care
Caring for Cut Flowers and keeping them fresh is indeed a science in itself. The first step towards making Cut Flowers last longer is to make sure that they are quickly placed in water to prevent them from wilting.
Cut stems should be placed in water immediately, as air rapidly moves into the water-conducting tissues and plugs the cells. This is why, a Cut Flower that has been out of water for more than a few minutes should have a small portion of the lower stem cut off so that water moves up freely when the stem is returned to water. Cuts can be made under-water to assure the no air enters the stem. Further, care of your cut flowers is enhanced by following the tips given below-
- Commercial floral preservatives increase the life of Cut Flowers and should always be used. A floral preservative is a complex mixture of sucrose (sugar); acidifier, an inhibitor of microorganisms; and a respiratory inhibitor.
- To aid the floral preservative in slowing down the growth of microorganisms around the Cut Flowers, always clean the flower vase or container.
- Remove all leaves on the stems of the Cut Flowers below the water surface, as they soon deteriorate.
- Place the cut flowers in a cool location for an hour or two. Cut Flowers placed in cool temperatures lose less water.
- A process called hardening ensures maximum water uptake, where the freshly cut stem of the Cut Flower is placed in 110 degree Farenheit water (plus preservative).
- Check the water level of the floral container or vase, in which the Cut Flowers are placed, daily and add water plus preservative when needed.
- Let the cutflowers get a good amount of ventilation.
- Keep Cut Flowers away from hot or cold air drafts and hot spots (radiators, direct heat, or television sets).
- Never store fruit and Cut Flowers together. Apples produce ethylene gas, a hormone that causes senescence, or aging, in the Cut Flowers.
Cut Flower Business
The world Cut Flower Trade is characterized by a high degree of concentration by sources. Exports from the Netherlands to Germany are a principal component of the world Cut Flower trade. The tarde makes up a significant chunk of the intra EU trade, which accounts for a large part of the global trade.
In the Americas, Colombia is the major supplier to the United States. Japan receives its supplies from a more diversified base, with Taiwan, New Zealand and Europe being the most important suppliers..
The Netherlands has a good and functional trade system to facilitate the movement of Cut Flowers, which form a majority of the flowers that are traded. Cut Flower growers from all over the world assemble at the famed flower auctions to find suitable buyers for their produce.
Flowers are imported from various countries in order to create the largest possible assortment of flowers. Newly established players in the Cut Flower market include Kenya, Ecuador and Zimbabwe supplying to their newly emerging ambitious competitors in China, India, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Malawi, Mexico, Palestine, Peru, South Africa and Zambia.
Wild Flowers
Wild Flowers are of special interest to flower lovers. Most wild flowers are beautiful, fragrant and colorful. Wild Flowers can be grown in gardens and just about anywhere else. Wildflowers are those that grow spontaneously under respective conducive conditions, even without being deliberately grown.
Perhaps due to their immense appeal for flower lovers, seeds of Wild Flower meadows - a few mixed Wild Flower species - are sold commercially. The term ‹Wild Flower‹ has been made vague by commercial seedsmen who are interested in selling more wild flowers or wild flower seeds more expensively than when labeled with only its name and/or origin. The term implies that the plant probably is neither a hybrid nor a selected cultivar (a cultivated selection of a plant species that is vegetatively propagated) that is in any way different from the way it appears in the wild as a native plant, even if it is growing where it would not naturally.
The sheer range of color, tone and shapes in Wild Flowers is breathtaking. Here we present the description of the most popular Wild Flowers - indeed Wild, Wild Flowers! Tour the brilliant world of Wild Flowers!!!
Flower Name (with Scientific Name) | About the Flower | Flower Image |
African Daisy ( Dimorphotheca aurantiaca) | African Daisy is an annual with 2-4 inches wide daisy-like flowers, a native of South Africa. African Daisy comes in brilliant shades of white, yellow, and orange. Learn more about African Daisy | |
Agave (Agave americana) | The agave flower stalk is branched, and bears yellow-green flowers. Learn more about Agave | |
Alder (Alnus glutinosa) | The calla lily flower spathe, is a large, flaring, trumpet-shaped bract, surrounds the spadix which is covered with tiny flowers. Learn more about Alder | |
Baby Blue Eyes (Callirhoe involucrata) | The baby blue eyes are the delicate, sky blue, cup-shaped flowers continue to bloom throughout spring, which are native to california. Learn more about Baby Blue Eyes | |
Barren Strawberry (Potentilla sterilis) | The Barren Strawberry white flowers are like miniature wild roses in form, with five slightly notched petals and a yellow centre. Learn more about Barren Strawberry | |
Bird cherry (Prunus padus) | The individual flower-spikes of Bird cherry are very attractive; and these wild flowers have a strong almondy scent during their prime season. Learn more about Bird cherry | |
Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) | This is the native Petasites, sometimes known as Monk's Rhubarb on account of its enormous leaves, which appear after flowering. Learn more about Butterbur | |
Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) | The Celandine flowers have eight glossy, butter-yellow petals, arranged in a rosette form and are seen singly on delicate stalks Learn more about Celandine | |
Clasping cone flower (Dimorphotheca aurantiaca) | The Clasping cone flower identifiable black, cone-shaped heads are surrounded by bright yellow, drooping reflexed ray flowers. Learn more about Clasping cone flower | |
Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) | Coltsfoot flowers are some of the first to bloom in the year,seen on roadside verges. The surprisingly large flowers appear well before the leaves. Learn more about Coltsfoot | |
Corn Flower/Bachelor's Button (Centaurea cyanus) | The Cornflower is an annual, native of Europe. The original flower color is blue, but it is now available in white, pink and red. Learn more about Corn Flower | |
Dog violet (Viola riviniana) | The dog violet flowers are round in shape. Dog violets appear a week later than the wood violets. Learn more about Dog violet | |
Drummond Phlox (Phlox drummondii) | Drummond Phlox flowers are concentrated in clusters on top of sturdy, erect stems. The exquisite deep red flowers bloom continually if watered frequently. Learn more about Drummond Phlox | |
Elm (Ulmus sp.) | Elm produces its flowers early in the season, which are wind-pollinated, and so there are numerous anthers to produce the pollen. The purplish tuft is mainly composed of anthers, and small green stigmas. Learn more about Elm | |
Common or Field Speedwell (Veronica persica) | Speedwell has relatively large flowers, clear blue with the bottom petal often pale or even white, on long thread-like stalks. Learn more about Field Speedwell | |
Five Spot (Nemophila maculata) | The Fivespot flowers are an attractive white with vivid purple spots at the tip of each petal. A prolific bloomer all spring, with a low spreading habit. Learn more about Five Spot | |
Foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea) | Foxgloves are natives of woodlands, the foxglove thrives in a damp, partially shaded spot. This wild plant flowers during summers. This wild plant is biennial. Learn more about Foxgloves | |
Gold Yarrow (Achillea filipendulina) | The beautiful and fragrant Lotus flower opens in the morning and petals fall in the afternoon. Lotuses are found in white and pink colors in general and they grow in shallow and murky waters. Learn more about Gold Yarrow | |
Gorse (Ulex europaeus) | The Gorse flowers have the "butterfly" form common to the Peaflower family. The vicious spines deter animals from browsing the bushes. Learn more about Grose | |
Great Switchwort (Stellaria holostea) | The great switchwort white flowers are showy, significantly larger than those of other stitchworts. Great Switchwort flowers are seen on roadsides. Learn more about Great Switchwort | |
Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) | Ground Ivy is a very common little wild flower plantgrowing under hedges, also grows along verges and track-sides. It is a member of the labiate or mint family and has small, blue, two-lipped flowers. Learn more about Ground Ivy | |
Hazel (Corylus avellana) | The Hazel catkins contain the male flowers, and shed copious amounts of yellow pollen, which is wind-borne. The female flowers are tiny, and look like little red brushes Learn more about Hazel | |
Iceland Poppy (Papaver nudicaule) | The Iceland Poppy are radiant white, yellow or orange flowers individually isolated on an upright hairy stem, producing dazzling splashes of color when planted in mass. Learn more about Iceland Poppy | |
Blanket Flower (Gaillardia pulchella) | Blanket flowers have dense colonies of brilliant red flowers with yellow rims. The flower diameter is slightly smaller than its perennial cousin Gaillardia aristata. Learn more about Indianblanket | |
Larch (Larix sp.) | The beautiful and fragrant Lotus flower opens in the morning and petals fall in the afternoon. Lotuses are found in white and pink colors in general and they grow in shallow and murky waters. Learn more about Larch | |
Maximilian Sunflower (Helianthus maximiliani) | Maximilian Sunflower is a stout, upright perennial native to Texas extending north throughout the central plains states. Numerous bright yellow 3 inch flowers are found on the upper half of unbranched stems. Learn more about Maximilian Sunflower | |
Mealy Blue Sage (Salvia farinacea) | The Mealy blue sage are densely congested violet-blue flowers concentrated in whorls surrounding a square stem. A hardy, upright to sprawling perennial native to Texas, and easily grown throughout the southern portion of the United States. Learn more about Mealy Blue Sage | |
Prim Rose (Primula vulgaris) | This Prim rose wild flower is a spring-time favourite. Flowers grow on different plants, with the male or female parts visible respectively (the “other” partner, i.e. stigma or anthers, is hidden deep in the tube of the flower). Learn more about Prim Rose | |
Pusssy Willow (Salix sp.) | The soft catkins of pussy willow appear before the leaves, often as early as mid-February. The “sallows” or bush willows are a difficult group, with several very similar species which also hybridise with each other. Learn more about Pussy Willow | |
Red Dead-nettle (Lamium purpureum) | Red Dead-nettle is a common weed of hedge-banks and roadsides, like its cousin, the White dead-nettle. This particular wild flower plant was growing at the edge of a field. Learn more about Red Dead Nettle | |
Rose angel (Viscaria oculata) | This Old World variety is regaining popularity for its consistent flowering over the long summer season. Without a doubt, a stunning spring beauty with numerous one inch, bright rose colored flowers. Learn more about Rose angel | |
Snowdrop (Galanthus spp) | A Snowdrop plant looks like three drops of milk hanging from a stem. This accounts for the Latin name Galanthus which means milk-white flowers. Learn more about Snowdrop | |
Spurge Laurel (Daphne laureola) | dA relative of the garden Daphne, this small evergreen shrub has green flowers and black berries. It grows in old woodland on limestone. Learn more about Spurge laurel | |
Sweet Violet (Viola odorata) | Sweet violet occur in purple, blue and white forms, all of which bear the characteristic fragrance. They have blunt rather than acutely-pointed sepals Learn more about Sweet violet | |
Texas Paintbrush | Texas Paintbrush is actually the tiny flower, creamy white to pale yellow, encircled by the red-orange leaf-like bracts. Learn more about Texas Paintbrush | |
Toad Flax/Spurred Snap Dragon (Linaria maroccana) | Toad flax are tiny, delicate flowers with long spurs glisten from short spikes. Flowers come in a multitude of colors ranging from yellow, red and pink to white or purple. Learn more about Toad Flax | |
Toothwort (Lathraea squamaria) | This toothwort is a curious pinkish plant lacks chlorophyll since it does not make its own food, being a parasite on the roots of shrubs, usually hazel, often growing in quite large clumps. Learn more about Toothwort | |
Wall Flower (Cheiranthus allionii) | Wall flower is a charming species with an abundance of vivid orange flowers occurring on short, compact plants. Learn more about Wallflower | |
Wild Cherry (Prunus avium) | The wild cherry flowers grow in clusters rather than all along the twigs, cf. Blackthorn and Bullace/wild plum.The trees produce a mass of white flowers, usually in April, before the leaves. Learn more about Wild cherry | |
Wild Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) | The true wild daffodil is smaller and more delicate than its garden cousins, with the outer petals a pale primrose yellow and the trumpet a clear buttercup yellow. Learn more about Wild Daffodil | |
Daisy (Bellis perennis) | A Daisy is a collection or composite of numerous individual flowers, each with its own anthers and stigma; those in the centre of the flower-head are known as “disk florets”, and those round the edge bearing the white petals “ray florets&#*148;.Learn more about Daisy | |
Wind flower/Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa) | This wild flower is common in old woodland, the wild anemone often carpets the ground. Some of these wild flowers develop a pink or purple tinge as they age. Learn more about Windflower | |
Wine cup(Callirhoe involucrata) | Wine cup are the magnificent dark purple-redor flowers numerous found at the end of slender stems. The flowers close each evening and remain permanently shut after pollination. Learn more about Wine cup | |
Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) | Winter aconites have an underground corm, from which the yellow wild flowers and characteristic “frill” of leaves emerge, sometimes as early as Christmas. Learn more about Winter Aconite | |
Winter Heliotrope (Petasites fragrans) | This heliotrope is probably a garden escape, and grows along roadsides. It is related to the larger, coarser Butterbur. Learn more about Winter Heliotrope | |
Yellow Star of Bethlehem (Gagea lutea) | Yellow Star Of Bethlehem is a beautiful, delicate wild flower and a spring flower related to lilies. This rare wild flower plant, grows under shadow of trees in damp woodlands or grasslands on limestone. Learn more about Yellow Star of Bethlehem |
Exotic Flowers
Flower Name (with Scientific Name) | About the Flower | Flower Image |
Dutch amaryllis (Amaryllis/Hippeastrum) | Amaryllis flowers are bulbous flowers coming in Orange, red, rose, pink, white, bicolored. Learn more about Amaryllis | |
Anthuriums (Anthurium species) | Anthuriums are rigid flowers with a thick and waxy feel and appearance. The anthurium flower is in fact the spathe of the plant. In the middle of the spathe is an upright organ called the spandix. The flowers actually grow on the spandix. Their colors range from whites to pinks and reds. Learn more about Anthuriums | |
Birds of Paradise (Stelitzia reginae) | The name Birds of Paradise comes from the spectacular flower shape, which resembles a birds beak and head plumage. Learn more about Birds of Paradise | |
Calla Lily (Zantedeschia) | The calla lily flower spathe, is a large, flaring, trumpet-shaped bract, surrounds the spadix which is covered with tiny flowers. Learn more about Calla Lily | |
Equadorian roses | Equadorian roses are very beautiful roses displaying in a wide range of colors. Learn more about Equadorian roses | |
Gardenias (Gardenia jasminoides) | Gardenias are waxy, white and very fragrant, seen either single or double and up to 4 inches in diameter. Learn more about Gardenias | |
Lilacs | Lilac flowers are purple color, clustered, beautiful and very fragrant, which carries quite a distance.Learn more about Lilacs | |
Lily of the valley | Lily of the valley are bell-shaped flowers that infuse the air with fragrance throughout the day. Learn more about Lily of the Valley | |
Oriental Lily | The Oriental lily flowers may be borne erect, horizontal, or drooping, and can be funnel-shaped to bell-shaped. Lily flowers comes in white to yellow, pink, orange, and red colors. Learn more about Oriental lily | |
Tulips | Tulips are large, showy flowers with six petals. Tulips come in incredible variety of colors, heights, and flower shapes. Learn more about Tulips | |
Heliconia Pendula (Frosty) | Heliconias are pinkish red on lower half of the cheek and red on the upper half. Learn more about Heliconia | |
Musas | Inflorescence of Musas is 6 inch crimson red/purple. Musa Bananas of exquisite taste and grandeur. Learn more about Musas | |
Calatheas | Calathea Flower is the most beautiful in the Marantaceae family. Calathea flowers bracts come in various shapes. Learn more about Calatheas | |
Gingers | Gingers are one of the most beautiful and colorful flowers in the world of flowers. Learn more about Gingers | |
Palms | The individual palm flowers are usually small greenish and insignificant. Palm flowers are borne on simple or branching spikes, very generally protected by a spathe or spathes. Palms | |
Orchids | The Orchids are one of the most exquisite and fascinating flowers in the world. Learn more about Orchids | |
Lotus | The beautiful and fragrant Lotus flower opens in the morning and petals fall in the afternoon. Lotuses are found in white and pink colors in general and they grow in shallow and murky waters. Learn more about Lotus | |
Recommended Exotic Flower Bouquets
The Flower Expert recommends the following popular Exotic Flowers for gifting online. Try out these irresistibly beautiful Exotic Flower Bouquets in various colors to convey your special feelings!!
Facts About Exotic Flowers
- Each Island of Hawaii has its own Exotic Flower specialty.
- Hawaii is the Anthurium Capital of the World.
- Valentine Heliconia, which are Exotic Flowers, are named after Valentine's Day as they mostly bloom in this season. These Exotic Flowers also make a wonderful valentine's bouquet with their heart shaped brilliant, red color blooms.
- Exotic Flowers - Ginger or Dracaena emphasize masculinity and give a stylish, understated look to any location.